Saturday, July 16, 2011


For years we have been asked to make a DVD for home yoga and meditation practice. Stephen and I teach as many classes as humanly possible each week, both public and private, but sometimes we can't get to everyone. A guided home practice is ideal for anyone who can't make it to classes at all or enough, or for those who are dedicated to daily practice, whether they're at home or on the road.

So instead of just making a DVD or filming one of our daily classes, we created something bigger and better which, as a family owned and self producing small business, was a very long road!

Devi Yoga is not only the home of inspiring classes taught in classical style, it is now also the home of On Demand Yoga and resources to help you grow your practice into a way of living. Yoga classes and flows, Meditation practice and instruction, Dance and Creativity - all of these aspects come together when you live Life with More Content.

When I received my training from my teacher, shakti, I was asked on the last day of training what I wanted to bring into the world with the knowledge I had earned. We were standing in Stanley Park on a warm, sunny May afternoon. I looked at my surroundings, my fellow smiling graduates, my teachers, and for some reason my own hands. The only word that came to my mind during those moments was "Peace". If Yoga is meant to bring a higher state of awareness, health, and stillness to the practitioner, I believe it is important to share more than just instructions on how to create the Yoga Asanas with your body. Yoga means "Union". The union of life, of practice, of eating, of creating - the art of living.

It is my pleasure to invite you to visit and find out more about what is in store for you, and to see what we have started with - it's only just begun!

or enjoy this simple promo for one of our many OnDemand Yoga videos, Cultivating Focus:

Om shanti,

Devi Yoga

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